
27 January 2014

Page 3

“Ohk, so you think joy….”
“Hey guys! I got the tickets.” interrupted Joy.
Both get shocked. Shreya signaled Jiya to not to talk about this now. Jiya understood.
“So, let’s go!” said Jiya smiling at Joy.


They enjoyed the movie and then they had some shopping to do which costs Joy his Credit Card. After buying some items like bunnies and stuffy teddy and lots of jeans and tops and you know that girly things. And finally they had their dinner in Tao.
The Joy gave them ride to their room. Reaching there Shreya collected her things and said goodbye to Joy and Joy gave her a smile. Jiya picked her stuff and smiled to Joy.
“Jiya…actually I wan….”
“Jiyaaaaaaa…My mobile left in the car.” Shreya cried from behind rushing back to the car.
“Why the hell are you running?” Jiya said shocked by her.
“Nothing, I.....I just had to call mom.” Said Shreya getting back to the room.
Joy was still watching her open mouthed.
“Hello! Mr. You were saying something?” said Jiya.
“What? good night!” Joy said Smiling.

Next page of the story will be published Day after Tomorrow.

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